Event details

Date: 28 November 
Time: 1.00pm-2.00pm

An Education and Health Care (EHC) plan is a legally binding document on a Local Authority which sets out, amongst other things, a child or young person’s special educational needs, the special educational provision for that child or young person and provides information as to the educational placement that child or young person is to attend. The first step to obtaining an EHC plan is to request an EHC needs assessment. If following an assessment, the Local Authority agrees to issue an EHC plan, a draft EHC Plan will be provided to parents/carers/ young people. They have the right to provide representations on the content of the EHC Plan to ensure it is specific, quantified and relevant to that child or young person including ensuring information is not missed. This webinar highlights the duties the Local Authority have when it comes to draft EHCPs and also the rights that parents/carers/ young people have during the draft EHCP stage. It also provides clarification as to the timeframes the Local Authority must comply with in finalising the EHC Plan to make that EHC Plan legally binding and rights of appeal that arise after finalisation.

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