Event details

The UK government recently introduced twenty eight significant reforms through the Employment Rights Bill, aimed at improving working conditions and ensuring greater fairness for employees, with a second reading in the House of Commons on 21 October.

As a business owner, manager, or individual working in HR, it will be crucial to stay informed of these changes and how they will impact your business going forward.

Our employment law expert Karen Morovic will provide essential insights and practical guidance on:

  • Understanding the new reforms and how they affect your business
  • Changes to unfair dismissal
  • New rights to guaranteed hours
  • Limits on fire and rehire practices
  • Updates to paternity and parental leave, and more

By attending this webinar, you will gain the knowledge and tools needed to help ensure your business is compliant with the latest reforms.

Don't miss this opportunity to understand what steps your business needs to take. Register below for our webinar and ensure your business is prepared for the upcoming changes.